OmManiPadmeOmelet wrote:
> In article > ,
> Peter Huebner > wrote:
>> In article >,
>> LID says...
>>> Good for frozen veggies like corn,
>>> peas, baby limas, too.
>> You got me interested here ... we have a couple of shopping bags of frozen
>> sweetcorn on the cob in the freezer. How would you time those in the MW,
>> please - any idea? At the moment we do them in the stockpot when we want some
>> but that is not always convenient since it ties up the biggest/fastest burner.
>> cheers, -P.
> Those can be cooked from the frozen state in the microwave.
> Lately, I've started sealing stuff in sealed ziplocks with all or most
> of the air removed to make up for the expansion as it heats. I then
> place that into a plastic bowl.
> Steams veggies great once you get the hang of it. :-)
> Pastorio's method is even better if you have the patience to mess with
> cling wrap. Put the veggies into a microwave safe bowl and seal well
> with plastic wrap before nuking. He says to add no water, but I do add
> just a little, like a tablespoon or so.
> Cheers!
IMO frozen sweet corn should be timed in the microwave to just barely
come to a boil and then drained and servred immediately. It stays
sweeter that way. I just put the cobs in a microwave safe bowl with
water and nuke on high till it comes to just barely a boil. Can't tell
you a time because of power of microwave and amount being cooked varies.