Which food gives he most stinking shit ?
Gary wrote:
> When I worked at the steel shop, which was before the illegal alien crack down
> about 20 years ago, I would sometimes have to go to the Mexican employee's
> houses to do work for them (on their cars, etc.). There would be 15-20 people
> living in the most horrid conditions and small "shacks". They would be paying
> at least ten times what it was worth. I told them that they should demand that
> the landlord fix all the things that didn't work; that there were laws
> covering that. They would then inform me that, since they were all illegal,
> they could say nothing about the conditions or the ridiculously high rent.
> Gary
The laws apply to US citizens... not illegal aliens... you should have
shoved them all in a Yugo and drove them back to Mexico...