My wine smells fizzy. Is this bad?
Hello. I'm making my first batch of wine and one of my problems is that
I don't know what new wine is supossed to smell or taste like. My batch
was made with a Cabernet/Merlot blend of sterile must (Mosti Mondiale).
Fermentation finished in October, then I cold stabilized it. The wine
doesn't smell like rotten egg, but it has a very distinct and strong
fizzy smell. Is this typical? I know that a lot of CO2 is produced
during the fermentation, and I'm hoping that that is what I'm smelling.
The taste is not really terrible or anything, but then again I've read
that new wine doesn't taste or smell very good. I plan on bulk aging
the wine for one year. Will the fizzy smell be gone by then? Is this
fizzy smell a sign of some problem? Thanks.