Decaf black teas
All the above suggestions are fine. Mostly you need to know that all
decaf teas will be less flavorful than the straight tea they are made
from. The flavored decafs are probably good as they hide the fact that
the tea isn't very good. The 'throw away the first infusion method'
doesn't always work no matter what has been written. Caffeine is still
released in second and third infusions (all depends on the tea, where
grown, water temp and chemistry, etc. Have you tried Japanese Kukicha
(twig tea), Houjicha (roasted Bancha) or very roasted Oolongs such as
Wuyi Oolong from Rishi? Metropolitan Tea in Canada has a 'decaf Irish
Breakfast' fromKenyan leaf that was decaffeinated in the green leaf
form with solvent and then processed. Has a good flavor for a decaf.
All seem to me to have less caffeine than most black teas.
'Life without tea is simply intolerable.'