Thread: broken china
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sarah bennett
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Default broken china

Dee Randall wrote:
>>I LOVE my dishwasher! I do pots and pans by hand, so the dishwasher
>>is reserved entirely for real dishes. When it's just the two of us,
>>it runs every 3 or 4 days.

> No wonder I'm overweight. When DH is away, I still do 2 loads of dishes in 3
> days. I do pots and pans, knives, and the little goffy things by hand. I
> guess I'm one of those that need 2 dishwashers, but that'll never happen.
> Dee Dee

in our house, it depends on who's doing the dishes. If it is me, we
don't run the dishwasher. Ours doesn't get things clean unless you rinse
them well, and if you are doing that, I think you might as well wash
'em. Rob just chucks 'em in the dishwasher, and handwashes pots and knives.



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