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Dan Krueger
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Default HELP! New Gas Grill Will Not Light...

Kevin S. Wilson wrote:

> On 27 Dec 2005 14:56:16 -0800, "robrjt" > wrote:
>>Does you mom know you type like that?

> You don't really understand how the Usernet (tm) works, do you?
> Here's a big, fat clue fresh from the clue oven: Nobody can tell who
> you're talking to or what the hell you're talking about. Can you
> figure out why?

For another example, see Kevin's last post:

On 26 Dec 2005 19:21:52 -0800, "robrjt" > wrote:

>> Know what the acronym is before using it.


How's that, Chuckles?

Now you can tell what this was about, right?

No? That's because our hero has done EXACTLY what you did, but in his
case it was for some weak self preservation. Here is the original post:

Moron Wislon is wrong again, on both counts.

Deep fat frying is ONLY done outside on the side burner of my weber.
No odors, fire danger, or oil splatters in the kitchen.

OPD is not "Overfill Protection Device", it is Overfill Prevention
Device. Know what the acronym is before using it.

Ouch! This is why our hero decided to do some fancy snipping. He is
desperately trying to look cool when he is called on the carpet.
Unfortunately for him, he's not very good at looking cool under many
circumstances - including skool photos.