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Default Newb's Intro & Fuel Question

Steve Reyer > wrote:
> Hi all,
> Dropping out of lurk mode for just a second... I'm a frequent outdoor
> cooker who til last month was stuck with a regular old square, covered
> and vented grill, which has produced much tasty fare, but was not
> suited for the really slow BBQ. I'm also a long term Usenet guy, so
> hopefully won't step on my toes here...
> About a year ago, I happened to receive a Word file copy of Rick
> Thead's BBQ FAQ circa 1997. It was and remains some really good
> reading, thanks Rick & other contributors. I've subsequently updated
> my browser for the new version.
> Anyway, to make long story short, my neighbor and I went down to Home
> Depot, picked up a Charbroil Silver Smoker and went to it.
> Corrupted... er adapted Danny Gaulden's All Purpose Rub and have gone
> to Q'n. Anyway, I'm pretty much staying with ribs, and pulled pork
> for now, tender and tasty. Have been trying to get picnics in a brine
> to get all the way to a nice sweet (brown sugar and honey) ham cure,
> but haven't yet managed to get the salty-sweet down to the bone yet
> (the meat is tasty and fall-apart tender though). That's my goal.
> Kind of stuck on fuel issues, as I live in a small apartment, so it's
> buy charcoal, wood chunks, and chips. The only *real* charcoal I've
> been able to find is "Best of the West" mesquite, and by the time I
> use a 20 pound bag, at least 5 pounds of it is dust. I don't care for
> Kingsford, but I'm kind of stuck with it for the present. I love
> using hardwood, used to bake using old flanged dutch ovens for years,
> but left my long term home in Mississippi 5 years ago... Any SoCal
> readers have fuel ideas? Thanks.
> Steve in Sandy Eggo

Hey, Steve. Glad you de-cloaked! Hope you've got a water filled drip pan
under the Q to catch burning embers. Buddy of mine burned out his balconey
and damn near the whole apartment building, if not for LAFD.

I buy Mexican Mesquite lump at Smart & Final. Burns good and hot, no

From the San Friginando Valley,

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