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Default thawing in the MicroWave

salgud wrote:
> Maybe no one else here cares, but I don't like running water over
> something to defrost it. I don't like wasting the water.
> What I find works very well is one of those metal plate defrosting
> gizmos. It's just an flat piece of some metal alloy with tiny feet to
> get it just off the counter so air can circulate under it. It conducts
> heat from the room into the meat and defrosts very well. If I turn the
> meat every 15 min or so, and run hot water over the plate for a few
> seconds each time I turn the meat, it works even faster.
> Hope this helps in your world.

I have one of those "Miricle Thaw" trays too. They really work. The
good thing about them is you don't have to worry about the meat
defrosting unevenly, cooked meat in some spots and frozen solid meat in
other spots. The bad thing about them is any thick piece of metal
will work just as well.