OmManiPadmeOmelet wrote:
> In article om>,
> "Sheldon" > wrote:
> > wrote:
> > > We generate enough bacon grease that I can even use it to fry fish.
> >
> > Fresh fish fried in bacon grease has got to be as taste in ass
> > disgusting as it gets.
> >
> I don't agree...
> When we used to go camping in Colorado, the first thing mom did when she
> got up in the morning was to toss a baited line in the river for trout,
> then get breakfast started starting with BACON in the Cast iron skillet
> over the campfire. :-)
> While that was cooking, she'd check the line periodically and pull in
> fresh live rainbow trout.
> Once the bacon was done, she would then grease baste a few eggs, then
> clean the trout and deep fry them in that bacon fat.
When I was a kid (the 60s) you could go into a restaurant and order
eggs lightly basted. Now they're just look at you blankly if you asked
for that.
> <sigh>
> Incredible food, incredible memories.
> Bacon fat fried trout and eggs (with PERKED coffee) in the middle of the
> Colorado boonies under pine trees.
> Thanks for the reminder guys! ;-d
> I still miss mom.
> (Bacon grease fried fresh tree squirrel is pretty good too, as is fresh
> killed cottontail bunny. Dad used to hunt quite a bit when we went
> boondock camping.)
> --
> Om.