Bacon grease for Fish! (was How to use cast iron?)
Om replied to Pussy:
>>> We generate enough bacon grease that I can even use it to fry fish.
>> Fresh fish fried in bacon grease has got to be as taste in ass
>> disgusting as it gets.
> I don't agree...
> Once the bacon was done, she would then grease baste a few eggs, then
> clean the trout and deep fry them in that bacon fat.
> <sigh>
> Incredible food, incredible memories.
I have similar experiences with fresh trout pan-fried in bacon grease. So do
millions of other people. Pussy has probably never pitched a tent in his
life, and has totally missed out on whole vistas of life experience because
of that. He's bitter about the fact that his life has been a series of
omissions, failures, and disappointments, so he's snottily crying "sour
grapes" to those who have found the simple satisfaction of preparing the
great food which can be had while roughing it.
Disregard the impotent loser's squalling, and keep on enjoying that fresh
trout cooked in bacon grease! Oh, and if you happen to run across any wild
strawberries, remember that it's GOOD to share!