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Mr Libido Incognito
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Default Ping: Parb -- Pierogi question

D.Currie wrote:
> When you make the batches of pierogi, what do you do to freeze them? Do you
> boil them first, or freeze them uncooked? And how do you package them for
> freezing?
> Thanks!

Up here there are comercial perogies availible in grocery stores or
also made and sold by church groups to raise money....They are frozen
prior to being sold. Sold in pkges of 1 dozen. 12 frozen perogies frozen
into 1 big lump in their plastic bag. So either the boiled with butter
or prefrozen on waxed paper has it's merits.

I eat mine just boiled with butter, sauted onions, bacon bits and sour
cream. When my kids were living at home I'd have to boil a mess of them
3 dozen or so. Then pan fry some (my Daughter) and deep fry some (my
Son). They all settled for the condiments I previously mentioned (
except no butter)