Thread: broken china
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Dave Smith
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Default broken china

Sheldon wrote:

> That's pure bullshit. I've had pianos moved, my brother has had his
> concert grand Steinway moved all over the planet, just recently moved
> it from Florida to Argentina. All the major moving companys offer
> insurance everywhere, and they have their own professional piano movers
> or they secure them from a private piano company. No one who knows
> anything about pianos allows a no account furniture schlepper to touch
> a Steinway. Your story sounds more like you paid a couple of local
> thugs with a pick up truck a few bucks to move your cartons of crap, a
> Steinway in your dreams.

When trucking was deregulated (re-regulated), household moving was one thing
that was still regulated. There were still lots of unlicensed moving companies
moving furniture, and from my experience in the enforcement business, they were
among the worst operators. But moving is a big expense and lots of people are
eager to give them their business because they are cheap.