I think I'm going overboard
Kitty wrote:
> I read someone's message about decaf teas at SpecialTeas and went to
> see about the samples. I got interested and started going through
> and putting anything that sounded good in the cart and finally quit
> when I realized that not only did I have 47 dollars worth of samples in
> my cart, but I wouldn't be able to distinguish one from the other if I
> tried drinking that many teas, but I wouldn't be able to remember my
> favorites if I did, no would I finish them in a timely manner so as to
> be able to enjoy them.
> SO, what would you think would be the best way to try these teas or any
> from any of these online tea stores so as to develop not only a palate
> but a preference and still have some fun.
> Should I stick to a pre established sampler pack of one of the types of
> tea at a time, or go with a sampler pack of each? what did each of you
> do to begin to learn about tea. I love oolong, but also like green
> and black. thanks, Kitty
What I did was started a place I knew I would like. For me, it was
Black Tea. I chose Darjeeling. I also asked here, and based on the FAQ
I tried some Oolongs as well.
That said, I think SpecialTeas has sampler packs which give a decent
start onto certain tea types. I found them to be a good place to start