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Default Trying to Salvage Frozen Food

Sheldon wrote:
> jmcquown wrote:
>> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>>> On Thu 29 Dec 2005 11:58:29a, jmcquown wrote in
>>>> Some time during the night my almost 20 year old refrigerator
>>>> decided to die. It stopped cooling 2-3 years ago but if I hit it
>>>> in the right spot the compressor would kick in again. Then after
>>>> that
>>>> it just started working all by itself again. No such luck this
>>>> time.
>>>> I brought my own refrigerator to this apartment but they are going
>>>> to have maintenance bring me a replacement. Sadly, the replacement
>>>> refrigerator is tiny (14 cu. ft); not that mine was huge but you'd
>>>> be surprised what a difference 4 cu. ft. makes.
>>>> Meanwhile, all my frozen stuff is almost completely thawed out. I
>>>> have it in a cooler with ice and will try to salvage as much of it
>>>> as I can. What a pain in the a** this is! At least it answers the
>>>> question about what to do with my leftover dressing... throw it
>>>> away LOL
>>>> OB Food: not sure I'll have any
>>> How awful, Jill! Bet you wish you had bought that freezer a couple
>>> of years ago. :-(

>> You bet I do!
>>> Is all of your frozen stuff thawed or can it be put into the
>>> freezer?

>> Some of the stuff still had some ice crystals on it but the tilapia
>> and bay scallops will have to be dinner tonight (what a shame LOL).
>>> If not completely thawed, you could buy some dry ice to put in the
>>> cooler instead of regular ice. That would preserve it until you get
>>> the new unit in place.

>> Hmmm. Wonder where I'd have to go for that? I'll check for the
>> next time.

> Yellow Pages
> Everyone should have the location of the nearest ice house taped to
> their fridge, very useful for power outages.

There are no ice houses around here, dear. There are convenience stores and
grocery stores that sell bags of ice. Not even during my week-long power
outage in June 1999 did I have to think about dry ice. But that's because
the storm that made things very cool outside temperate and I had ready
access to just plain ice. I grilled everything I could possible salvage.
But the fact is, I didn't have nearly as much food in my freezer at that
time, either.

Luckily, most of my stuff was frozen already cooked leftovers (with a few
exceptions) so they were kept cool and can be used up, no problem. I got
off lightly. But I will prepare for the next event, should it happen any
time soon.
