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Default Who is Sandra Lee's real audience?

>Michael "Dog3" Lonergan wrote:

>> Is this the same episode she made those God awful styrofoam dolls and
>> Xmas trees? I sat through the segement mesmerized. Seriously, would
>> anyone even eat those macaroons off of a styrofoam thing wrapped in
>> foil? Not to mention how Gawd awful they looked. That part of the
>> episode looked like it was geared towards kindergarteners.

>Funny you should mention that. My wife recently picked up a children's
>cookbook called "Pretend Soup" and as I was looking through it I couldn't
>help thinking that the recipes were exactly the sort of thing that Sandra
>would make on her show.
>Here is a link to the book:
>Here is a smaller version of the link if the big one doesn't work:

How very appropriate for SLop!

Use of these recipes may be hazardous to your health, food budget,
standing in your community and liver function. Use at your own risk!! We
assume no liability from any illness or injury sustained while eating the
"food" or being exposed to crapass tablescapes. And no, we're not sure
where she grew up either. The Cordon Bleu disavows any knowlege of Miss Lee.