Anyone Here on the South Beach Diet?
MaryL wrote:
> "jmcquown" > wrote in message
> . ..
>> Damsel in dis Dress wrote:
>>> On Fri, 30 Dec 2005 07:39:04 -0600, "jmcquown"
>>> > wrote:
>>>> I'm not, but from the PBS 'Frontline' show I saw the other night
>>>> about diets it seems to make the most sense to me.
>>> Same here. It's not nearly as restrictive as Atkins, as far as I
>>> can tell. I want a sane eating plan for my diabetes, and this guy's
>>> approach doesn't seem to create neurotic monsters because he doesn't
>>> make you count anything. Just have normal meals within the
>>> allowable range.
>>> Carol
>> It's funny you should mention counting. In the PBS show the host
>> went to a
>> Weight Watchers meeting. He said it felt like a 12 step program
>> except about food. And you had to count every single thing you ate
>> and document it
>> and OOOPS, don't go over in this category or you have to subtract
>> from one of those other food groups. Sounds too much like a math
>> problem to me! And
>> I don't want to go to meetings <EBG>
>> Jill
> I belonged to WW for awhile, and I had much the same complaints with
> it as you mentioned. WW has been effective for many people, but I
> simply do not like meetings and I absolutely *detested* the little
> games they play at most WW groups. I had to keep an exact log of
> everything I ate and look up points for everything. SB is much
> easier -- just keep a list (soon, I was so familiar with the list
> that I didn't even need to carry a copy) of "foods to enjoy" and
> "foods to avoid." Select from the "foods to enjoy." Pretty simple,
> really -- and it has worked very well for me (in glucose readings,
> cholesterol/triglycerides reduction, and weight reduction, plus I
> *feel* much better).
> MaryL
The patting everyone on the back made it look like a public Alcoholics
Anonymous meeting. The idea of "games" makes me think of those ridiculous
things they made us do in Corporate America called "team building". Rah
rah, shish-koom-ba stuff. Um. No, comment.