Thread: Tea in NYC
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Scott Dorsey
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Default Tea in NYC

Lewis Perin > wrote:
>KALLE GRIEGER > writes:
>> Hi Lester,
>> If not yet tried go for:
>> [...]
>> -Ten Ren in Chinatown

>I think it is possible to get good tea at Ten Ren, but the staff are a
>real obstacle: often rude and often trying to direct your attention
>to what they're currently trying to get rid of.

I have never really had this problem, but then mostly I have gone in and
known what I was looking for to begin with.

I will say that the staff at the Ten Ren in Rockville, MD. does seem to
have more folks that actually know about tea than the people at the one
in NYC. But I have not found either store rude.

Often overpriced, yes. But they do have some excellent teas at reasonable
prices if you are careful to make sure you get the grade you want.
"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."