Onion Herb Bread...help please?
Nexis wrote:
> I want to make this onion bread from an old recipe of my Grandma's that she
> gave to my mom. I was wondering if it would be ok to sub dried minced onion,
> and if I'd need to make any adjustments to the recipe because of any loss of
> moisture? I wouldn't think so because it's only 1/4 cup, but I am not very
> experienced with different breads yet. Also, the recipe doesn't specify what
> type of flour...is it ok to use AP? Or do I need to go get some bread flour?
> Here's the recipe:
> 1 pkg (1/4 oz) active dry yeast
> 1/2 c water
> 1/2 c warm (110-115*f) milk
> 1 tbsp butter
> 1 tbsp sugar
> 1 tsp dried rosemary, crushed
> 1 tsp each salt, dill, and garlic powder
> 2 1/4 c flour
> 1/4 c finely minced onion
This has a hydration of 0.44, so my guess it was written
for AP. If you use bread flour it would come out a bit
dry for onion bread, in which case you'd want to add a
little more water.
As far as the onion, I would moisten them in warm
water first. You can use the water in the recipe
to capture a little more flavor.
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