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Default Santa Fe and ABQ for Christmas

BoboBonobo wrote:

> The one other great thing about Tomasita's is the green chile. It is
> absolutely wonderful.
> Everything else was bland, including bland ground beef. My wife liked
> the entree OK, and she loved the sopas. Something interesting is that
> a fast food (Del Taco) joint has reproduced MN Style green almost
> perfectly

Sopas were great.

Speaking of which, if you have the courage
> to drive past Los Alamos, on the side of a thousand + foot drop off (we
> went all the way around through Bernalillo because of my acrophobia)
> there are some nice clothing optional hot springs, one of which is only
> a few minutes off the highway:

Thanks for the link - it's now in my NM bookmark file.

Let's see...we saw Soda Damn, Battleship Rock, and were most likely in
the parking lot for Spence Hot Springs (wondered where the kids - they
were around 12 and had a parent or two with them - were going with their

Past all of that we drove through a town that I think was called White
Rock, saw a sign that said "overlook" and decided to follow it. I'm not
entirely sure where we were but it was an amazing, phenomenal, gorgeous
view of the Rio Grande and two small (well, they weren't Niagara, but
stunning nonetheless) water falls - one above the other. I too, am not
the biggest fan of heights, and tried desperately to get close to the closer than I expected, but couldn't get my chubby, long legs
to walk out onto the man made, fence enclosed lookout. It looked like
the rock formations went on forever. We were entranced. On the way
back to ABQ we passed a half dozen deer - we'd just passed a sign that
we'd left the Bandolier nature preserve (this trip we didn't actually go
into the park to look at ruins). Spouse starts yelling "pull over, pull
over" so we could take some pictures. What a beautiful sight it was!

> The little town of Jemez Springs is nice, and you can get a cheap but
> clean motel room.
> Also, in Bernalillo my wife highly recommends the Range Cafe.
> The drive from Bernalillo to Jemez is stunningly beautiful with huge
> mesas.

