Anyone Here on the South Beach Diet?
On Sat, 31 Dec 2005 13:13:30 -0600, "MaryL"
> I have also had what I consider remarkably good results with SB. I do think
> carbs were the culprit because I was never before able to achieve any
> improvement at all. On the other hand, SB emphasizes *low* levels of
> saturated fats, and I do feel much more comfortable with that (for health
> reasons) than with the Atkins approach, even though many people have
> achieved equally good results with Atkins. At one time, I had cholesterol
> readings of 285 (HDL 90, LDL 240) and triglycerides as high as 486. Those
> are obviously out-of-control readings. By contrast, my most recent test
> showed cholesterol LDL of 89 and HDL of 40. Triglycerides were till
> slightly above normal (I don't have my records with me and have forgotten
> the exact number -- I think it was 152). I have been following SB since
> June 2004 -- plus the modification I mentioned earlier of a *complete*
> elimination of flour, pasta, rice, potatoes, and added sugar (including any
> refined sugar products).
Boy, you HAVE done well! There are a couple of changes that I've read
so far that I just won't follow. There WILL be butter on my veggies.
And in the pan for omelettes. Only about a third of what I used on
Atkins. And I'll be happy when I can reach the point of eating open
face sandwiches. Multi grain at home, and whatever's available when
somewhere else. I can live without the pasta, rice, and potatoes.
Sugar is a no-brainer.