OT Migration (rant)
"aem" > wrote
> Nancy Young wrote:
>> I understand, but they were not by themselves, they were at a
>> function. I don't think it's right to shut everyone out like that ...
>> why
>> can't they say what they had to say without making other people
>> uncomfortable? [snip]
> I agree that it's impolite to make other people uncomfortable by
> excluding them. I just don't think the concept of exclusion applies to
> parent-child conversations. -aem
Okay, maybe this is how I saw the story, and maybe it's just wrong.
Here is a table of 12 people. The parents didn't talk to anyone
else at the table, just to their children nonstop in a foreign language,
making no effort to include the rest of the group.
Rude. I've seen people do that at social occasions even when
they are speaking english ... excluding people and having their own
little exclusionary party within a party. I just feel that it's not polite.
Just me.