Santa Fe and ABQ for Christmas
Mike Beede wrote:
> In article 0>,
> Bubbabob > wrote:
> > [Flying Star]
> > Their coffee is roasted by their owner, who after several years of trying
> > to learn to roast, hasn't got a handle on it yet. They don't even know
> > the origins of the beans they use with any precision beyond knowing what
> > country they came from.
> Their coffee is not optimal, but okay for Albuquerque. If I'm
> making my own in my room, I stop at Whole Foods and get some,
> but they don't have brewed. Another place that has just as
> good a coffee (in other words, too dark but not *too* too dark,
> if you know what I mean) is Buster's on Central. If you get
> there after 0745 or so, their scones are the best in town.
> If you know a place that has actual good brewed coffee in town,
> I'd appreciate hearing about it.
As far as whole beans, I'd go to La Montinita Co-op. At least, that's
were I got mine when I lived in Albq 2 years ago. At the branch in the
Valley, on Rio Grande.
> Mike Beede