In article >,
Melba's Jammin' > wrote:
> In article >,
> Dan Abel > wrote:
> > In article . com>,
> > "-L." > wrote:
> > > I find it amsuing that you have a man's name and demeanor, yet claim to
> > > be a woman.
> >
> > Man named Terry = Terrence
> > Woman name Terry = Theresa
> Not necessarily, Dan.
Correct. It was more of a counterexample, than my trying to tell Terry
what her full name might be.
> IIR, Terry's not a Theresa. Nor a Teresa. :-)
My daughter likes to jerk me around, I think in retaliation for my
jerking her around. She has a friend named Teddy, who is definitely
female. She sometimes calls her Theodora. I made a reference to
Theodora once, and my daughter asked me who I was talking about. I
said, you know, Teddy. My daughter replied that her name wasn't
Theodora, it was Teddy, that's what she was named at birth and that's
the name on her birth certificate. I asked her why she called her
friend Theodora, then. Just for fun.
> (And what the heck is "a man's demeanor?")
That's when you decide that somebody is male and look for elements in
their writing style to support your decision.
I don't believe in it.
Dan Abel
Petaluma, California, USA