In article >,
Don Gray > wrote:
> In message Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> > In article Don Gray > wrote:
> >
> > > Thanks for the help on the linguistic front. It's surprising how ignorant
> > > we can be about other people's customs and foods. I would guess that
> > > there are quite a few similarities between English and Slovak foods,
> > > seeing as we live in similar cold climates.
> > >
> > > I'm going to try pirohies
> >
> > Not pirohies. Pirohy IS plural. Please get it right. Not many
> > similarities between English and Slovak food that I've seen. The Slovak
> > food is flavorful. "-)
> Sorry about incorrect grammar.
It's not a hanging offense. "-)
> I told you that I had never seen it in print
> so I had to guess. So what's the singular then?
The Polish is, I believe, pierog. And the Slovak is, (I'm guessing)
piroh. Be sure to roll the r.
Where the heck is Bubba Vic? He knows everything!
--, updated 12-22-05