In article >,
Stan Horwitz > wrote:
> Did I mention, I hate electric ranges? Whomever thought up the idea of
> an electric range out to be slaughtered and forced to eat my burned
> meatballs!
(Stan's cremation story snipped)
I've cooked with both over the years and am accustomed to electric. Is
hers a new stove? Mine is not. I've heard that the newer ones are more
responsive to changes than the older ones. Of course, if you don't want
the burner on, you have to turn it off. "-) The lowest setting on my
burners will still burn a thick mixture if I don't stir and I set a
timer when I'm in the house to remind myself to stir. Try Dawn Power
Dissolver on the burned pot. Amazing stuff. I wonder why.
--, updated 12-22-05