Does this make sense?
hutchndi wrote:
> My wife is constantly telling me I have cobwebs and/or farts in my
> head, so
> it probably could use a cleaning.
lol, we all get that sometimes.
> Just something for converting recipes that are in oz / grams to
> cups and
> spoons. There are some online but everybody gets fancy with them
> and make
> them more complicated than they need to be. I see in Hamelman's
> home version
> recipes where these conversions probably make things more confusing
> and less
> likely to get right, measurements like 7/8th cup are common.
Yeah, well that's what happens when you convert. I've added a slider
to my file so you can scale up or down so as to round things off a
bit more, but you can't really avoid changing the recipe to some
extent. The chance are the recipe was compromised in the the first
place for ease of printing/ reading.
> Might be better off just getting a scale. Somebody posted about
> Postal scales, that would
> serve a dual purpose anyway.
If money's no object. My scales only weigh to 2 kilos but I'd like
some that weigh to five so I don't have to use different bowls for
this and that.
> And thank you for the history lesson, good stuff. I really was
> playing with
> Mayan math a few days ago, they grasped the "new"concept of zero,
> and while
> it at first looked very simple and backward, was pretty ingenious.
> My hope
> is that my ancient Anasazian dancing Kokopelli pecan bread would
> have looked
> good on their table, (except of course that I think they used corn
> for just
> about everything).
Maybe a pollenate type version : -)
> hutchndi