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Damsel in dis Dress
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Default Anyone Here on the South Beach Diet?

On Mon, 2 Jan 2006 17:44:55 +0000 (UTC), (Glitter
Ninja) wrote:

> Damsel in dis Dress > writes:
> >Umm, no. You're required to eat 2-3 cups of vegetables a day. Meat,
> >poultry, eggs, cheese.

> >Where did you hear that?

> The Atkins website, at least a few months ago, was very heavily
> meat-based. So I can see where Jill got the idea.

She said all fat. Didn't acknowledge protein or carbs at all. That's
what prompted my response.

> 2-3 cups of veggies a day would deprive me beyond belief. That's not
> enough to cover my salad needs for the day!

2-3 cups of veggies is the minimum on Atkins. The sky's pretty much
the limit.

Back to South Beach. Breakfast is usually a nice omelette. I eat
large salads for lunch (usually including meat and/or cheese), then an
enormous pile of broccoli for dinner along with a serving of lean
meat. More variety will be added soon.

I can start introducing fruits after the first two week period - Phase
1. I can't wait for that first apple!
