Does this make sense?
On 1/2/06, hutchndi > wrote:
> Mike Avery wrote:
> "In this case, eBay is your friend. I use two sets of scales on an
> ongoing
> basis. Both are made by "My Weigh". One is a 50lb capacity postal scale..
> I use it for most of my weighing. It cost about $25.00."
> Is that 50 lb scale something a home baker could use, or are you using
> it
> in a bakery? I mean is it any good at measuring ingredients to make a loaf
> or two?
It would be fine for a loaf or two. And it's suitable for shipping as
well.... I use it to weigh all the stuff we sell on eBay.
It is accurate within 5 grams up to a couple of pounds, and within 10 grams
or so to the end of it's range.
I have also used what My Weigh calls a candle making scale that is somewhat
less expensive and has an upper limit of around 10 to 14 pounds (it's been a
while, so I've forgotten the exact numbers).
As a side note, avoid digi-weigh. I bought one of their scales, and it was
a piece of junk. I salvaged the batteries and threw it away.