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Default I hate electric ranges

On Mon, 02 Jan 2006 05:02:05 GMT, Kathy in NZ wrote:

> On Sun, 01 Jan 2006 22:57:52 -0500, Stan Horwitz >
> wrote:
> >Did I mention, I hate electric ranges? Whomever thought up the idea of
> >an electric range out to be slaughtered and forced to eat my burned
> >meatballs!

> Sorry for your loss! I have always had electric ranges. In a perfect
> world I would choose gas hobs but electric oven.

I know what you mean. If I ever remodel here or design a kitchen in a
new house, I'd have at least one gas burner. They are always good for
really fast or really hot... plus I hear their design is better now so
they don't have hot spots on low. My ideal would be four electric,
two gas and an indoor grill. The other plus is that gas is charged at
the same rate as my furnace. Electricity is more expensive.

Practice safe eating. Always use condiments.