Bias Towards French Wines
Here's a bit of the latest on Hillary & Jane Fonda, two bete noirs of the
fundamentalists...I'm editing the truly obscene
Sludge Report :Liaison between Hillary Clinton and peace activist Jane Fonda
"I had tea with Jane', the former First Lady said, "I was halfway though the
organic Earl Grey, when I started to tremble from looking deeply into her
deep eyes. Eyes that saw war and tried to stop it. An ---- that was
mounted by Ted Turner, Tom Hayden, Ho Chi Minh and the backfield of the LA
Rams. My face got flush, perspiration was all over. My loins were aflame
with desire. Jane reached for my hand. I couldn't take it any more and I
jumped Jane's ----------. It was better than Joan Kennedy and as we rolled
around the floor of the Stage Delicatessen, out of the corner of my eye I
saw Ed Koch giving me what I thought was two thumbs up---I was wrong he just
wanted his thumbs in my ------. It was then I knew I had to finish what
Bill had started. I got on my cell and called Monica..................
"Joe "Beppe"Rosenberg" > wrote in message
. ..
> Gentleman: You've been had---- someone, not from afw, said I could not
> like a rightwinger---Using Goebbels as a role model I mixed a minimum of
> facts and lots of hot button phrases. Its been a boring rain soaked day
> bored with American football, although I did enjoy the Notre Dame
> defeat---talk about hype- I'm still ****ed they let Reagan play George
> Now 5 things I like about France.
> 1. They inspired the American revolution and in typical fashion got a tad
> carried away
> 2. They were our protector from Lafayette thru Teddy Roosevelt. They
> helped the US as a democracy and empire.
> 3. After World War I they hosted numerous Americans especially those of
> colour. Spending exile time in Paris was Sidney Bechet, Josephine Baker
> many other's first breaths of freedom.. Any country that could stand James
> Baldwin for more than a week, is ok by me.
> 4. Long before Abe Beame and Ed Koch were mayors of New York(considered a
> break through) Leon Blum, a Jewish Socialist was France's Premier in the
> 1930's.
> 5. Yes St H lots of French welcomed the GI's to France, shaved the heads
> the collaborators and let the Germans buy bad wine while they hid the good
> stuff. I make no moral judgments but being under the heal of the Nazi's
> forced people to cooperate or starve. The Resistance began in 1939 and
> never stopped,for once French of different politics united; and even if we
> had to endure De Gaulle's tantrums we did the same for a real
> anti-Semite--George Patton. SomeFrench like the Dutch and Scandinavians
> harbored Jews from a one way ticket to the camps. Compared to the
> collaboration of the Rumanians, Poles, & Austrians I don't think the
> let their humanity down.
> All governments are hypocrites, not seeing that they are guilty of the
> flaws as they see in others. Its caused hubris which gets followed by
> hemlock. I was in Burgundy & the Rhone and ran into some surly waiters
> you have that at the Stage deli besides that the French brought pommes
> frites to America--whats not to like. Any nation that can bring Petrus,
> d'Yquem & Guigal can't be all bad
> The piece I did on a lunch with Hilary Clinton and Jane Fonda as seen by
> "right" is too much in bad taste even for me, so I'll give you a bit if I
> can find it--you have to write me for the rest.
> "Michael Pronay" > wrote in message
> ...
> > "st.helier" > wrote:
> >
> > > "Joe 'Beppe' Rosenberg" really let the dogs out when
> > > expounding...
> >
> > >> [...]
> >
> > > Hopefully, the nett effect of such personal research may be that
> > > you never write such crap again.
> >
> > <clapclapclap> - *very* well roared, lion!
> >
> > M.