Turkish coffee
In article >,
"No One" > wrote:
> I made it for years then, haven't made it for years. The way I was taught
> was:
> Any good espresso brand of coffee, espresso grind
> Sugar to taste
> Small pot
> Don't remember how much coffee to put in any more (maybe a tablespoon per
> cup???) but the process was.
> Put water, coffee and sugar in pot. Bring to a boil, when it foams up,
> remove. Back on the fire again. Do this three times then pour into
> demitasse cups. The coffee grinds will settle to the bottom of the cup.
> Careful when drinking if you haven't had it before as you can get a mouthful
> of grounds if you drink too far down. The idea of pouring it immediately
> was so that each cup had some "crema" foam on top of it.
> In the Serbian restaurant I used to frequent, they flavored theirs with
> Cardamom. I imagine you could give a shake or two of ground Cardamom into
> the pot before brewing or add the seeds from 1-2 Cardamom pods.
Turkish coffee should use a grind finer than espresso grind; it should
almost be like talcum powder. Read here for more info:
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