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Default Canning home-made tomato sauce

The Joneses wrote:
>Dunno how lime juice would affect the
> taste of the tomato sauce tho.

That's my concern with tomato sauce. If I have to reduce the pH to
boiling water bath can, I'd rather just go ahead and pressure can and
use my own recipe.

My pressure canner holds 7 quarts and I'm unlikely to be making batches
larger than that at once given the amount of stuff needed to get 7
thickened quarts of sauce. So it's really not much more time-consuming
to pressure can anyways.

If I had gallons upon gallons of tomatoes to put up, and did decide to
boiling bath can, I think I'd use citric acid or ascorbate as I don't
think they'd change the flavor much, just add some tartness.