On 3 Jan 2006 05:15:17 -0800
"DaleW" > wrote:
] "Tell us more about Brunel. It rings a bell, but I can't place it. "
] Andre Brunel is the producer of the Les Cailloux CdP. I haven't had the
] are very nice, in a modern style. I think as Parker has given huge
] scores prices have gone way up, though.
Ah, I thought I recognized the name. I'm a long time fan of Les Cailloux
also. When I lived in Boston in the 80s it was the go-to CdP for QPR.
] Happy 2006 to you and Adele.
To you, Betsy and David, too, Dale! Now if I can only get the damn
cards out...
On another note, I seem to be losing text on some posts recently.
I've noticed it twice with Anders. I thought you hiccuped, but I see
J. Murray picked it up fine. Any other users of news.individual.net
notice this, or do I perhaps have a problem locally?
Emery Davis
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