<RANT> Losing someone
In article >,
"Elisa" > wrote:
> "OmManiPadmeOmelet" > wrote in message
> ...
> > In article >,
> > Dan Abel > wrote:
> >
> >> When our son died, she tried to comfort me by saying that,
> >> "It was God's will".
> >
> > That one ****es me off more than ANY other statement!!! <grrr>
> > Why do people think that that is such a comfort?
> >
> > Sorry, that just set me off........ :-(
> >
> > I have yet to meet ANYone that is comforted by that!
> > --
> > Om.
> >
> I think I counted 7 people that said that to me when my father died last
> year. He was only 72 and went in to the hospital for a simple gall bladder
> surgery. It was not "God's will", or "his time."
A neighbor of mine received chemo about two years ago for a cancer in
her lungs. She had to go through two sessions of chemo a few months
apart. Thus far, the cancer shows no signs of returning, according to
what she told me recently.