European or Australian equipment in US?
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Bert Hyman
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European or Australian equipment in US?
(Jean B.) wrote in :
> Bert Hyman wrote:
>> I know that my Bosch is the worst performing dishwasher I've ever
>> owned.
> Oh. You too? My Bosch has been out of operation for at least
> half a year while I debate about getting it fixed or just
> ripping it out. Too bad. It would be nice. IF it worked.
We've only had one actual failure of the dishwasher in the 6 years
we've had it (ALL the front panel buttons stoped working because the
plastic gizmo that acts as the spring and actuator apparently got
brittle and all the little fingers fell off).
My complaint is that it simply doesn't clean very well.
Bert Hyman | St. Paul, MN |
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