Groceries and ideas - report and request - follow-up
Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> [snip].... I faked my way through the nuoc
> mam because I can't find Nguyet's recipe!! I used some balsamic and
> cider vinegars (shut up) and watered those down considerably, 3 fresh
> and juicy garlic cloves, some shredded carrot, some red pepper flakes,
> some of George Shirley's Aji Limon de Peru homebrew hot sauce, and the
> juice from half a lime, and a bunch of sugar -- and the nuoc mam sauce
> itself. It was okay, but not like what we get when we go to Cam Ranh
> Bay. My nuoc mam cham was pretty garlicky. Next time, I'll save what
> I get in the restaurant.
Salad sounds very good. You might have tried some anchovies for the
nuoc mam sauce. -aem