My Martha question
Julia Altshuler wrote:
> Questions of innocence, guilt, crime, punishment and celebrity aside,
> what do y'all think of Martha Stewart's recipes and cookbooks? I have
> one, Entertaining, I think. I don't use it regularly, but the few times
> I've cooked out of it, I was pleased. At this point in my life, I'm
> making more simple, old standby recipes so Stewart's recipes strike me
> as too fancy, too much emphasis on presentation, but I've been known
> every now and then go for presentation too. Thoughts?
Check out her Hors d'Oeuvres Handbook. It's quite good. As for her
recipes being too fancy, I've never found them difficult. She doesn't
really write her own recipes. She's sort of a recipe clearinghouse, and
she smart enough to publish ones that are not overly difficult. That's one
reason why she's popular, I think.
Reg email: RegForte (at) (that free MS email service) (dot) com