Another standing rib question
Kent wrote:
> That's just what I was on the verge of doing when I wrote the post to ask
> for advice.
> For a 4lb, small end, leftover roast how long would you nuc., and at what
> power level? Like almost everyone in this NG, I have to have it pink.
> Thanks
> Kent
> "fudge" > wrote in message
> . ..
>> I have seen restaurants use this method and it works. There is very
>>little difference between right out of the oven prime rib and this method.
>>Place a normal portion on a microwavable plate with about a tablespoon of
>>water. Cover with saran wrap and nuke. I don't know the correct amount of
>>time so start low and work up. Give it a try.
Kent, I'd advise that you only attempt this with portion sizes,
not the whole 4 lb roast at once.
Reg email: RegForte (at) (that free MS email service) (dot) com