On Mon, 08 Mar 2004 07:58:58 GMT, "Paolo Pizzi"
> wrote:
> M@ster wrote:
> >>> I have never heard Italian tourists say that here. But then, we
> >>> don't get many Italian tourists. They can't afford to come here :-)
> >>
> >> That's weird because, you know, Italians are some of Europe's
> >> biggest travelers. Maybe, just maybe, if you don't get Italian
> >> tourists is because where you live is such a dump, they're simply
> >> not interested.
> >
> > Paolo, don't bother. this guys is obviously from Oklahoma or Nebraska
> > or some shitty state like that...
> The funny thing is, he says he's Canadian.
> Canada is averagely a civilized country with averagely reasonable
> people, but of course unfortunately right-wing bigots are everywhere
> in the world...
We shouldn't forget that narrow minded people are
distributed world wide.
Practice safe eating - always use condiments