Doug Kanter wrote:
> "ms. tonya" > wrote in message
> ...
> (William Boyd)WROTE:
> Subject: New form of car jacking - Not a joke
> Please keep this circulating... You walk across the parking lot, unlock
> your car, and get inside. Then you start the engine and shift into
> REVERSE, and you look into the rear view mirror to back out of your
> parking space and you notice a piece of paper stuck to the middle of the
> rear window. So, you shift into PARK, unlock your doors and jump out of
> your car to remove that
> paper (or whatever it is) that is obstructing your view. When you reach
> the back of your car, that is when the car-jacker appear out of nowhere,
> jump into your car and take off! Your engine was running and they
> practically mow you down as they speed off in your car. And guess what
> ladies? I bet your purse is still in the car... BE AWARE OF THIS NEW
> SCHEME THAT IS NOW BEING USED.Just drive away and remove the paper that
> is stuck to your window later, and be thankful that you read this
> email.. I hope you will forward this to friends and family... especially
> to women! A purse contains all of your identification, and you certainly
> do NOT want someone getting your home address. They already HAVE your
> keys! ------------------------------------------------------
> RESPONSE: Here in Detroit area they will carjack your auto regardless if
> paper is on your back window or simply stopped at a traffic light.
> Latest going on's here with potential gang member is driving at dusk
> with head lights off waiting for the first people to blink at him to
> turn lights on. Driver is then guned down and kid now has full
> membership to gang.
> =====================
> Gangsters like that WANT to die. Helping them toward that goal is the
> neighborly thing to do.
> Michigan State Constitution Declaration of Rights
> Article I, Section 6:
> Every person has a right to keep and bear arms for the defense of himself
> and the state.
I agree with you. Unfortunately, even tho Michigan has open carry, you
can't have a loaded gun /in your car/ without a conceal carry permit.
Open carry doesn't apply in a vehicle. (stupid politicians)
I think if I lived in Detroit I would get a permit just so I could keep
a .44 Special in the glovebox or under the seat.