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Mark D
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Default New Form of Car Jacking

**I have a gun in my car, you have a gun in your car... all God's
chillin' got a gun in the car.
Teen gang-banger starts bustin' caps at you for flashing your lights and
you return fire equally bent on destruction. Some of your bullets hit
their mark- some hit the car... others fly in my direction as i'm riding
alongside the gangster car. Wondering why i'm suddenly being shot at by
some dude being shot at by some dudes, i'm inspired to pull my own 45
cal. and bang off a few... so off go my bullets whizzing in and out of
your automobile, in and out of gangster car and in and out of a few
others on the road turning the highway into a snowballing capfest.
**Since when does every bullet fired in anger or defense hit it's
intended target?
**Grow up... get over the power trip of carrying a gun and accept
the fact that you're no Dirty F'n Harry and life isn't a vigilanty
flick. Kev

Power trip?
Maybe you live somewhere where you don't ever feel uncomfortable that
your life could be in danger?

People every day in this country get robbed, raped, and murdered just
going to buy a carton of milk at the corner store.

Your "Scenario" is basically a very unrealistic one. Oh sure, I've heard
of the occasional shootouts on California highways some years back. I'd
rather have a fighting chance, than let some POS crack head end my life,
or a loved one's without any chance of rebuttal.

I say it's about time that this country get its head out of its ass, and
take away a state's right to allow, or deny gun carry rights.

I say it's time to declare war on all the worthless waste of flesh in
this country. It's time we stand up, and stand together. Maybe we all
need to take a cur from Travis Bickle in "Taxi Driver".

The real shame of it is, you can't conceal carry a gun where you really
need one. In all non-carry states it's the two legged animals you have
to watch out for, not the four legged ones.

You never can say what can actually happen in a real life occurence.

Just watch something like Super Station WGN at 9, and the typical "shit"
that happens every day in a city like Chicago.

It could be myself, or someone else one day, the "armed" good samaritan
that saves you, and your loved one's life.

I'm just so sick of hearing about rotten worthless cocksuckers preying
on innocent people, and destroying their lives. Mark