Thread: Meatballs
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Default Meatballs

Michael "Dog3" Lonergan wrote:
> "Nancy Young" > looking for trouble wrote in
> :
>> "notbob" > wrote
>>> So, anyone have any *good* pork/beef meatball recipes? The TJ
>>> meatballs are excellent ...cooked, browned, onions and spices....
>>> but I'd like to try and do better. The more exotic, the better.

>> (smile) I couldn't let everyone down, now ... could I?
>> Grape Jelly Meatballs

> <snip grap jelly meatball recipe for mercy>
> *groan* Gawd, I think those grape jelly things are at just about
> every function I've ever been to during the holidays. Try these
> *groaners*. Other than the grape jelly meatballs, these are also a
> party favorite. From the gutsy gourmet:
> Sweet and Sour Meatballs

(snipped and saved)

At the good ol' pot lucks of yesteryear, this guy would buy a bag of frozen
meatballs (we don't have TJ's here so I have no idea where he got them,
maybe Sams Club). He'd dump the frozen meatballs in a crock pot with bbq
sauce and (gasp) bourbon. I remember the first time he did this, he was all
like "shhhh! I didn't make the sauce last night and I don't want to get
caught having bourbon at my desk!" Pullleeeze. No one will accuse you of
sipping bourbon at your desk.

My mom used to make something similar in a chafing dish back in the 1960's,
except she *made* her meatballs.
