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Default dutch oven question

Nancy Young wrote:
> "Teri" > wrote
>> I rec'd a dutch oven for the holidays. It is a Calphalon One -
>> infused anodized dutch oven. Is this a good one? or should I return
>> it and get La Creuset? I've never owned a dutch oven and wanted one
>> because the recipes that i read that sound amazing always call for a
>> dutch oven. Thanks!

> That Calphalon strikes me as not so easy to clean. I'm well aware
> I'm about to have my head handed to me, but I'm firmly on the side
> of getting the Le Creuset.
> Just me. Since I never cooked with the Calphalon, I am not speaking
> from experience.
> nancy

Remember way back when, my brother bought Calphalon cookware because was
la-di-da. Sheldon accused me of coveting his cookeware. Well, his
calphalon was relegated to a back bedroom; he hated it.

I've never used Le Creuset but I gather it is a porcelain enamel coating
over cast iron? Can't go wrong with that. I have a 25 year old knock-off
my mom gave me. The skillet works beautifully and is easy to clean. It can
be used oven to stove-top and even on the grill, if the hande is right for
that, of course.
