Thread: Meatballs
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Default Meatballs

notbob wrote:
> I can't believe I'm writing this. I haven't bought, prepared, or even
> eaten a meatball in over 30 years. This due to the fact I reached
> lifetime meatball saturation back when I was in the service. But,
> yesterday I was at Trader Joe's and they were doing these little
> cocktail-sized (~1 inch) pork and beef meatballs in their full-time
> reel-you-in sample booth. I'm now hopelessly hooked. Since last
> night, I've been eating meatballs dipped in a half dozen of my fave
> dipping sauces and see no end in sight.
> So, anyone have any *good* pork/beef meatball recipes? The TJ meatballs
> are excellent ...cooked, browned, onions and spices.... but I'd like
> to try and do better. The more exotic, the better.
> nb

Do you have a favorite meatloaf recipe? Mix that up and roll into 1.5"
balls and bake on a cookie sheet at 375 or 400 degrees until they look
done (but you know they are still raw or rare in the middle.) Cool, and
bag them and freeze 'em. Finish cooking them later in the sauce. No
need to thaw them first.

If you think your meatloaf recipe is too gooey to work with, leave out
one of the eggs.

Best regards,