Thread: Meatballs
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Melba's Jammin'
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Default Meatballs

In article >,
notbob > wrote:

> I can't believe I'm writing this. I haven't bought, prepared, or even
> eaten a meatball in over 30 years. This due to the fact I reached
> lifetime meatball saturation back when I was in the service. But,
> yesterday I was at Trader Joe's and they were doing these little
> cocktail-sized (~1 inch) pork and beef meatballs in their full-time
> reel-you-in sample booth. I'm now hopelessly hooked. Since last
> night, I've been eating meatballs dipped in a half dozen of my fave
> dipping sauces and see no end in sight.
> So, anyone have any *good* pork/beef meatball recipes? The TJ meatballs
> are excellent ...cooked, browned, onions and spices.... but I'd like
> to try and do better. The more exotic, the better.
> nb

Hey, nb! I don't know if I've got any good recipes -- including some
bulk Italian sausage in the mixture is kinda nice -- but I like to cook
my meat-a-balls by arranging about a dozen or so in a glass pie plate,
around the perimeter. Nuke for about 3 minutes, drain, cool, and freeze
loose, then bag for further use whenever. Drop the frozen ones into
spaghetti sauce and let them thaw in there.
--, updated 1-3-2006, Sam I Am! and Hello!