Ping:Barb - + four recipes
Bob Terwilliger wrote:
> Sharon wrote:
> >>> Georgia Cucumber Jelly
> >>>
> >>> 6 med cucumbers\
> >>> 3 pkg unflavoured gelatin
> >>> 1/2 cup cold water
> >>> 2 cups boiling water
> >>> 1/4 c apple cider vinegar
> >>> 1 tsp grated onion
> >>> 1/4 tsp salt
> >>> 2 drops green food colouring
> >>> 1/4 cup chopped pimentos
> >>>
> >>> Peel cucumbers, seed and grate. Wrap in clean kitchen towel to
> >>> absorb all moisture for 15 min. Sprinkle gelatin over cold water, add
> >>> boiling water, and stir until dissolved. Add vinegar, onion, salt, and
> >>> food colouring. Refridgerate until slight thickened. Stir in grated
> >>> cucumber and pimentos. Pour into 8 1/2 cup individual molds or 1 14 cup
> >>> ring mold. Chill 4 hours or until very firm. Serve jelly as an
> >>> accompaniment to cold meat or fish.
> >
> > I hadn't planned on preserving it....not my thing....just going to
> > cut the recipe to 1/3 and take it to the dinner she is having for my
> > son's birthday. Years ago I went to a church fair and bought a couple
> > of jars of sweet cucumber jelly. I had mentioned to her that I hadn't
> > seen any since. She misunderstood and came up with this....bless her
> > heart.... So I just want to show my appreciation and doing a small batch
> > for the dinner.....Thanks.....Sharon
> Is the recipe above supposed to be sweet, or was that just a comment on the
> jelly you bought years ago?
> Bob
Just a comment on the sweet jelly I bought at the church fair. The
one above is a savoury.....Sharon