Request for info - Food events
Wayne wrote:
>>> Here, in my part of California, we have the Pear Fair in Courtland, the
>>> Crawfish Festival in Isleton, the Asparagus Festival in Stockton, the
>>> Italian Picnic in Sutter Creek, the Croatian Extravaganza in
>>> Sacramento, a Greek food fair in Sacramento, and an Japanese food
>>> festival at a Buddhist church in Sacramento. Better known are the
>>> Gilroy Garlic festival and the Castroville Artichoke festival. Although
>>> not food related, I thought I should mention the Fog festival in
>>> Pacifica and the Poison Oak festival in Columbia.
>>> D.M.
> Peach Festival - Queen Creek, AZ
> Corn Festival - North Ridgeville, OH
Peach Festival - Marysville, CA
Strawberry Festival - Wheatland, CA (but there are similar ones everywhere)
"Dried Plum" (a.k.a. prune) Festival - Yuba City, CA
Eggplant Festival - Loomis, CA