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Default Pandora, I apologize

jmcquown wrote:
> >
> > Both my parents are relatively young (53 and 59) and every once in a
> > while it strikes me that they will one day age and I will lose them
> > and I just don't know how I'd deal with it.
> >
> > Hope you are able to find some comfort.

> My father is almost 82. I was a late child Mom was 32 when I was born.
> she's going to be 80 at the end of this month. I've been very worried about
> their demise for the last couple of years. Now it appears Dad's is
> imminent. We haven't always gotten along. In fact, we never really
> started talking until I was in my 30's. He's always been this stern
> military man. Now I'm going to lose him all too soon.
> Jill

It's never too late to tell him you love him and how much it meant to
be his daughter. Do it now - you won't regret it. I never got the
chance with either of my parents and I regret it still.

Hope you have the strength to hang in there for both your Mom and your
Dad. It's one of the hardest things you will ever go through, and it
will change you. You learn so much about love.
