Please pat me on the head ans say it's OK
Richard Miller wrote:
> I truly do believe in a vegan diet. Depression has caused me to eat at
> burger king, stuff myself at night, eat out 50% of the time, well you get
> the idea. I'm 58, 6'1", small bones and pushing 195 pounds (and maybe some
> daisies if I don't change) and I should weight about 180. This is enough to
> depress anyone. I'm so screwed up I can't even have a sexual climax. So
> after I take my ex-wife's relatives to the airport, yes a divorce a year ago
> sure didn't help, then go out and eat a breakfast at Denny's or where ever.
> Afterwards I am going to the store and buy fruits and veggies. I need 10
> days on nothing but fresh fruits and veggies. A glass of water with lemon on
> arising, one hour later, raw fruits. Lunch, a raw veggie salad with lemon
> juice and herbs, Dinner is a veggie soup and a small granny apple at bed
> time and if I get low blood sugar a small granny apple. After the 10 days
> then oatmeal for breakfast and hopefully no animal products. Does this sound
> about right?
Not to me. It looks like a recipe for malnourishment that isn't going
to help
with your depression and may even make it worse. I'd have thought
a balanced wholefood diet with RDA level multi-vitamin+mineral
and daily exercise would be better but really you ought to seek
help and advice from people who (unlike me) are suitably qualified.
You could also try a google search.