Reg wrote:
> Mark Thorson wrote:
> > I did not say that this referred specifically
> > to burning it or using it to make creme brulee.
> You absolutely did. The OP explicitly referred to it.
Here is the posting I made, in its original (unedited) form:
> Steve Wertz wrote:
> >
> > I think somebody was maybe confusing food grade gases such as CO2
> > or N2O and figured there must be a food grade version of
> > propane/butane, too...
> >
> > But instead of simply admitting his mistake, went to unnecessary
> > lengths to try and cover it up.
> Try telling that to the USDA:
> Search on that page for "food-grade butane".
My reference in that posting specifically addressed
the question of whether there was such a thing as
"a food grade version of propane/butane". Clearly,
there is, as supported by that reference and others.
The source of your confusion is that Steve
edited out the part which made it clear which
question I was answering in that posting. That's
the sleight-of-hand he used.